Twentieth of January, 2009

Twentieth of January, 2009
A day all Americans can toast with bubbly wine
A day to pride-fully cheer our citizens' diversity
Ending Americas' shameful racial adversity

Lincoln, FDR and Camelots' Jack Kennedy
Each in their own way searched for a remedy
For whatever ills our nation suffered in their era
From the east coast past Nevadas' Sierra

They succeeded with their promise of hope
Leading us well so our nation could cope
Now we have Obama with hope and great vision
Who, like them, will lead us to improve our condition

We're privileged to be part of this history sublime
Historically will be seen as one of the best of all time
So let's drink up that bubbly to wish Barack well
We know Obama as President will greatly excel

by Stan Cooper....1/20/2009 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 750 times
Written on 2009-01-21 at 16:50

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He's the hope of the future it seems! Time will tell...great poem Stan.

John Lambremont, Sr.
A very good write, Stan. As for Obama, time will tell.

it was not only for America,
full of hope are we all!
Regards, N.