Apologies once more to PoetBayers for submitting a personal poem
onto the bay....the poem is self explanatory...It's for my wife Jeanne

JANUARY 29, 2009

The Calendar insists you're now eighty
Born in the year nineteen twenty nine
Yet you've maintained all your grand gaiety
From when you were a young seventy-nine

How you manage to do it
Only heaven knows
You're a loving laugh a minute
For Stan, your loving beau

All those years before this one
Were merely dress rehearsals
The fun in life has just begun
For Stans' Miss Universe-al

Happy birthday and three cheers to
Our newest Octogenarian
There is no doubt you're our family glue
And our future Centenarian

by Stan Cooper...1/29/2009 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 905 times
Written on 2009-01-29 at 20:44

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What are you apologizing for?!
You make me feel all my poetbay poems are pathetically personal!!
This is an amazing tribute to a loved person.
It's surprising how such precision with rhyme can only be handled when in love :)

Oh, this is so beautiful it made me cry a bit from joy .. You are beautiful sharing this love for eachother .. a dream staying in love the way you seem to have done..

A wonderful poem!
Happy Birthday Jeanne!

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
You should never apologise for writing a personal poem, this is a beautiful sentiment for your wife Jeanne, I wish you both, health and happiness and the heartiest of birthday wishes

Elle x

John Lambremont, Sr.
Wish her a Happy Birthday, Jeanne, from me, and may the Creator guide and protect.