He Is Oh So Clever

When some guy knows he's oh so clever
Clever is what he's never ever
He who thinks he's never wrong
Has ignored reality far too long

This know-it-all is not too bright
Believing he is always right
If the guy in this poem who's oh so mental
Resembles you, it's coincidental

Isn't it ?

by Stan Cooper...1/26/2009 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 717 times
Written on 2009-01-31 at 18:17

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Yes! Very clever, Stan, who else could
put together these clever words!
big smile, cool drawing too. /N.

Rob Graber
Good moral, good chuckle!

Purple Phoenix
Haha! Nice one Stan, nice one. ;-)

Dee Daffodil
LOL. Great chuckle from this...Thanks much !! Great work !