Written leading up to the 21/1/09, when my brothers 3 girls had gathered the courage to set Waynes ahes free....... God Bless em xxx

My Brother Wal ~21/8/62--21/1/06~

My brother wayne,
Of course I always sent him to Spain,
In what else,but a blue aeroplane,
Because of all the rain, out there on the plain.....

Even before I started school,
He taught me to read n write,
But 3 & 1/2 years younger than him,
I taught him to fight...

All my best adventures,
My chilhood spent with him,
He geting fatter, me staying thin,

Growing up with out our Mother,
We always had each other,
We were closest kin,
Me and my brother,

He could talk you into anything,
Be it profit, be it sin,
He could sell ice to the eskimos,
And still convince you he's a rose,

If he found me sleeping,
After, in my room he has crept,
He would touch my lip,
To make me lick it, while I slept,

Then raw coffee was applied,
Whilst in my bed, wet lips, I lie,

Then with a mighty rush,
Upon my head, he would crush,
His open hand, slapping,
Just cos he caught me napping,

Hahaha, you wake with quite a splutter,
More than profanity, I would stutter,
It comes with the territory,
Having a brother thats a nutter!

He was a lot like my Dad,
Plenty of goals, lots of vision,
Once he set his sights on it,
It became his mission,

When we were young and still free to run,
Thats when the real entrepeneur, really begun,
He had an idea, be sure it was good,
Cos hell he come up with it,
We'll be cashed up, we would,

We collected empty bottles,
From all over the hood,
After leaving neighbors letters,
Give us all your bottles ,
And we promise we'll be good,

We used Dads milko trolleys,
To comb, far n wide,
And when we got home,
He split the cash with pride,

But thats just one of Waynes many skills,
Through out his life,
He had his thrills...
He had his share of trouble n strife,
Some things tormented him,
The whole of his life,

He loved life with a passion,
Right down to his colourful shirt,
His idea of fashion,
Could make the naked eyes hurt,

Later in life,
He taught me a lot about compassion,
Taught me how hate can become a distraction,
How to try to understand people more,
Even love them, if only just a fraction,

We could fight and scream,
Get real mean,
The next day was never,
Any trouble it seemed,

I stirred him about his weight,
Get'n your brother were it hurts,
Is sometimes great,
But, oh Wal, How I miss you,
These three years of late.....

We both rode Harleys,
But never at the same time,
Thats really quite trivial,
Just filler for my ryhme,

I never want waynes memory,
To slip into the sublime,
He left us too early,
Way ahead of his time,

He's left behind three daughters,
The sparkle in his eye,
To think of there loss,
Makes this grown man cry,

So in God we trust,
For we simply must,
Wayne was an irreverent christian,
For him 'twas God or bust

Many lose there brothers,
I've read of some right here,
And I know we all,
Hold there memory so dear,

So tomorrow, from a bridge,
Indeed its highest ridge,
His girls will stand as three,
To honour there Dads memory,

Its where he liked to fish,
He'd mentioned it's his wish,
To set my ashes free,
So I can fish on happily,

He's been gone,
These past three years,
I still can't stop the tears,
But while it's him that I,ll be missin',
That fat bastards,
Probably fish'n.............


Poetry by rob vale
Read 257 times
Written on 2009-02-02 at 08:37

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Purple Phoenix
Awesome Rob, sad but full of happy memories, how we all want to be remembered. Well done. ;-)