I live in a shed on the edge of a rainforrest, after cyclone Charlotte, the creek next to my shed, was flooded, and I allowed every one to follow my dilemna on facebook. When the flood passed I could not resist a swim in the now fresh as a daisy cool wate

A Crystal creek to live by...

I have plunged into her icy depths,
To wash away, thankful tears I've wept,
Each lil pebble and rock scrubbed clean,
Crystal clear again, better than I've ever seen.

Mother Natures perfect grace,
For she surely lingered,
When here making this place,

The warm sun burns, on my floating face,
Adrift out in the middle,
In her wet embrace,

The flood has passed,
The pictures you've seen,
Do a grave injustice,
For now 'tis serene........

You can hardly tell Mother Natures anger....
Had ever been..............

Poetry by rob vale
Read 333 times
Written on 2009-02-02 at 08:58

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