Like An Old Antique

This golden age is pure mystique
When describing someone past his peak
Who's somewhat stilted and oblique
Like an old antique

Like a grandfather clock running out of time
Like a cold limeade without the lime
Like a rhyming poet without a rhyme
Like an old antique

Like a Big Mac Burger without a bun
Like our universe without our sun
Like a convent without a nun
Like an old antique

Antiquation has some value, I'm told
As compensation for being old
But I see it as just fool's gold
Like an old antique

by Stan Cooper...2/4/2009 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 726 times
Written on 2009-02-08 at 18:54

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Never underestimate antiques!
They are very valuable and carry
a long interesting story! Love the lady
in red! and I almost missed that one,
thanks! Rgds, N.

Any civilisation which neglects and ignores its elderly is doomed.
See you in the next world Stan!
Excellent work as usual.

Purple Phoenix
Ah! But some like the familiar creak,
of that old antique! ;-)