
I don't have a drink affliction
Never been cursed with a smoke addiction
But must confess to one worse by far
I can't resist a chocolate bar

When as a lad, my mother said
"You'll be rewarded if you eat your bread"
So I ate my bread, and the reward I got
Was a delicious piece of choc-o-lot

So Freud was right, my mom's to blame
For the choc-o-hol-ic I became
She's the reason here I think
Why I'd die for a chocolate drink

Perhaps I sound too vitriolic
To label myself as choc-o-hol-ic
But if that's my breach, I must admit-it
To enable me to one day quit-it

by Stan Cooper...1/14/2009 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 737 times
Written on 2009-02-22 at 15:34

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Dee Daffodil
As long as you eat the dark're doing ok ! Lots of good things in those bars ! :-) Yea endorphins !!

You are funny. Better choc-o-hol-ic than a war-o-holic.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Scientifically proven that chocolate makes you happy - so keep on with the addiction - its all those enzime whatsists and thingummies

Elle x

Don`t quit! You see, you are not alone
being a choco-holic, a sweet addiction,
fun write, I smile. Sweet drawing, too.
I love choco-mousse alright,
either black or white, that`s my dessert
deligt! /N.

:-) Sitting here with a steamy cup right now...
I admit it, but I won't even try to quit it!

Delightful rhyme and 'toon, as always!

No reason to quit, really ;)

Purple Phoenix
Sweet! You've got me wanting to go to the corner shop now...haha! ;-)