A Look At A Few One-Liners

"My Country Tis Of Thee"
Has stood the test of history
But it's meaning verbally
For me is still a mystery

"Damn The Torpedoes, Full Steam Ahead"
A show of great bravado
The command was followed with foreboding dread
Would they live to see tomorrow

"To Be Or Not To Be, That Is The Question"
Finding the proper answer isn't hard
Just ask one in the wordy profession
The one who asked it, our articulate Bard

"Anger Opens The Mouth And Shuts The Mind"
A one-liner worthy of thought
A concept lost on most of mankind
It's a lesson not easily taught

"A Closed Mind Is A Good Thing To Lose"
Then hope you never find-it
A mind that's closed is like a noose
Around the brain and blinds-it

by Stan Cooper...1/26/2009 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 625 times
Written on 2009-03-16 at 12:19

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Stan and Don you inspired me:

''My country right or wrong'' , so if the government says '' lets make war'' , do I goo along with that?
To kill those who are my friends or
would be given the chance
'' live and let live '' , is my menter

'Tis now , 6 43 am , those are my thoughts as I a wate my
day to begin.

Ken D Williams

Wise words indeed! I, too, am especially fond of the final stanza.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
or 'how come, we never take our own advice'

Good one Stan

Elle x

A special applause for the last stanza!

Purple Phoenix
A clever little write Stan, nice work! :-)