It Just Ain't There

Many of us go through life
Looking, searching for that something
And never being certain
What that something really is

Most of us never find it
It just ain't there
And probably
Never was

by Stan Cooper...2/7/2009 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 831 times
Written on 2009-04-08 at 16:06

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Rob Graber
Ah, that elusive "something"...
Good one, Stan!

Hmm... I think many of us find it, but, since it looks different than we expected, we don't even see it

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Remind's me Stan and Don : '' I saw this man , not young yet , not that old. I could see he were looking for some thing. So I asked him '' what your looking fore mate , maybe I can help you find it? '' when I find it , I will know what I'm looking for''

I borrowed that from whear and who.

Ken ( D Williams )

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I think this is quite true in certain people - those who are constantly searching for perfect love are invariable doomed not to find it - its discovering the love can be imperfect for example

Elle x

so true..seems I've been searching all my life.

Purple Phoenix
On a comical note, at least if we are busy searching, we stay out of trouble! ;-) A thought provoking little write. :-)

Maybe it's all about the searching, the not giving up ... in spite of not being certain ..