For The Umpteenth Time

For the umpteenth time
I declare end to my lyric and rhyme
To add to my writing abundance-y
Will bring nothing but writing redundancy

I'm like the boy who called wolf too many times
So who's to believe I'm finished with rhymes
I suspect many of my poetry reading friends
Will refuse to accept my rhyming dead end

If that's the case, what can I do
But find a new poem in a year or two
I won't hold your breath while waiting for one
As I really believe my poem-ing is done

by Stan Cooper...4/9/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 750 times
Written on 2009-04-14 at 14:48

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Rob Graber
Hoping for AT LEAST an umpteenth-plus-one time!

Take a pause in writing, if you need, but please don't stop strolling around on the bay! Your warm and gentle presence is needed here!

John Lambremont, Sr.
I'll believe it when I don't see it.

Take a break and keep writing, old buddy.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
never say never Stan - I take my ever increasing blocks in writing as just one of those things - suddenly something will happen, or just a thought - trouble with me, sometimes I try too hard and thats a disaster - let the muse, inspiration, whatever it is, just come to you - its there

Elle x

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Your having a laugh , Stan me old mate,
As I recall , the little boy , called '' wolf , wolf'''
But luckily , an old man rolled his eyes ,
packed a paddle , when up the hill ,
Saw the wolf , and chased it a way ,
The little boy said '' thank you , THANK YOU , OLD
MAN'' , you saved my life ''

''Right'' , said the old man , grabbing hold of the little boy ,
'' over my knee with thee'' , '' what?'' '' why'?'' , Grisalde
the little boy , '' just so thee remember's , thee may not
be so lucky next time'' '' I brought this paddle for thee , not ,
yon wolf''

SO KEEP writhing , Stan me lad . What you giving Don , his notice!

Ken ( D Williams)

Purple Phoenix
Oh Stan! I hope you're not serious! Yes we will refuse to accept your dead end, as I'm sure you would protest if another valued writer on the bay wrote the same! No-one can pump out golden eggs everyday....take a little break but don't ever give up! Your Stan Fan PP xxx