Discerning Differences

About alligators and crocodiles, I've very much to learn
The differences between them, I'm not able to discern

Other animals appear to me very much synonymous
Particularly the rhinos and the enormous hippopotamus

But when it comes to felines, such as tigers and the panthers
The striping of the tigers, provides for me the answers

It's remarkable how some humans resemble the hyena
Except, of course, politically, hyenas are much cleaner

We humans, when political, can come across as sharks
But sharks you'll never find spouting cruel remarks

Differentiating animals is sometimes hard, sometimes easy
But humans are the animals who make me feel most queasy

by Stan Cooper...4/19/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 594 times
Written on 2009-05-01 at 20:27

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they are! even monkeys make more sense to me, most of the time!
well, some dogs make me queasy (I learned a new word today, thank you;) too, but that's because they were messed up by us humans, I think.