PoetBay Limerick Challenge # 4

Those who speak infinitum
Deserve all I say when I jibe-em
Their prattles just soar
To the heights of pure bores
Boring's the way to describe-em

Endlessly on they go
Relating the little they know
To the audience they capture
They rant prattle with rapture
With an incessant wordiness flow

They most usually say nothing of worth
Not even an offer of mirth
Not ever a gleaming
Of something redeeming
Their chatter is loaded with dearth

by Stan Cooper...5/6/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 636 times
Written on 2009-05-09 at 16:25

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Rob Graber
Let us all capture
A measure of rapture...

Enjoyed this!

Worthy of an Ogden Award!
Happy to see you in fine form Stan!!!