For The Kids At Heart

When very young, Santa enrolled in a special school
Where with his friends he was Santa Claus cool
That's where he learned to slide down chimneys
And how to be more popular than even Walt Disney

He was guided towards his future vocation
Learned his job well and became a sensation
Children can't wait for the end of November
Anticipating with glee each 25th of December

Santa Claus has a gift giving aptitude
With his ho-ho-ho-ing cheerful attitude
He works so hard throughout the year
And spreads much cheer with his hard working deer

Let's give him three cheers and one big hooray
As he visits our homes to give us child's play
He's one of a kind who spreads joy all around
Sliding down chimneys, all about town

When Santa Claus was a little boy
I wonder who brought Santa his Christmas toys
His father, mother, sister or brother?
I hope they were brought by someone or other!

by Stan Scrooge Cooper...10/4/2008 graphic by Scroogier Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 608 times
Written on 2009-05-11 at 05:28

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Could it have been Macy??
;-) Nick