Who made us what we are? I don't know, but I find it to be an interesting topic to explore.
Beyond all imagination.
The source of our creation.
One that sees every option,
the result of any action.
We became,
and broke the chain of predictability.
Made to simplify,
we reduce every issue.
We choose right or wrong,
free from the burden of seeing it all.
Did we choose life,
in a divine reality show?
A self imposed inability,
unwilling to see...
Poetry by mickeko
Read 1710 times
Written on 2009-05-15 at 18:05
Tags Religion  Philosophy  Choice 
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In the beginning.Beyond all imagination.
The source of our creation.
One that sees every option,
the result of any action.
We became,
and broke the chain of predictability.
Made to simplify,
we reduce every issue.
We choose right or wrong,
free from the burden of seeing it all.
Did we choose life,
in a divine reality show?
A self imposed inability,
unwilling to see...
Poetry by mickeko
Read 1710 times
Written on 2009-05-15 at 18:05
Tags Religion  Philosophy  Choice 
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