The Very Very Very Long Run

Much to my loving wifes' sorrow
I usually put off today what I can do tomorrow
This trait of mine she intends to alter
Is as unalterable as The Rock of Gibraltar

My putting off talent stays on display
When tomorrow predictably becomes today
So most things rarely ever get done
Except in the very, very, very long run

Her strong iron will, with her strong iron clout
Far off in the future, will surely win out
But today at least I'll lounge around nicely
And do things tomorrow, tomorrow precisely

by Stan Cooper...5/15/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 622 times
Written on 2009-05-17 at 12:10

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jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
i might comment tomorrow :)

the longer the run, the bigger the fun :)

I am a big fan of both sloth and procrastination. My rule is: Never do yesterday what you could have put off until tomorrow (or next year).

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
My failing is procrastination, I fear and a little bit of laziness too lol - I am so glad you have a wife to keep you on the straight and narrow Stan, I enjoyed this very much, thank you :-)

Elle x