Over The Poetry Hill

In front of my computer I sit, all up tight
'Cause I can't think of a thing to poetically write
Rhymes just ain't coming and I fear never will
Perhaps I'm poetically over the hill

Rhymes now lost, I hope will appear yonder
But why they've departed, I frustratingly ponder
No sense complaining since I've reached my hill-top
So from that perspective I'm not a complete flop

Can't help but wonder where my friendly poems are
I hope they haven't gone too terribly far
I hope they're not over that hill where I'm poetically at
'Cause I can't think of anything more worse-er than that

by Stan Cooper...5/28/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 801 times
Written on 2009-05-31 at 16:37

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Mr painter
Like it great

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
No poet , Stan , is over the hill , unles thy chose to be. A poet climes another hill , taking in the seeans about them.li Then from time to time , sits down , takes out a boltle from the back pack ,take a swig. , bights upon a cheese and ham roll Then takes out his/her quill , and writes out thear thoughts.
So , Stan old friend , clime that hill , and ponder as you clime , then write out your thoughts.


This is one more corollary to Murphy's law. Go out into the desert, miles from your computer without pen or paper and a plethora of rhymes will soon festoon the inner side of your noggin Stan.
All da best, Nick