PoetBay friends...apologies since this isn't much of a poem, but by way of
explanation I have just become the proud owner of two Bengal kittens,
and the kitten in Don's 'toon is actually one of them

My Bengal Cat

I don't give a hoot
About Puss-In-Boot
Since in my cowboy hat
Is Nikko, my Bengal cat

by Stan Cooper...6/7/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 814 times
Written on 2009-06-06 at 23:25

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liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
Cat's they are
beautiful just
like this short but
sweet poem


And aren't cats the most fascinating animals in the world? I have four myself, and I never tire of studying them and learning from them... they are really cool personalities, with such a lot of selfconfidence. :-) xx I wish you much joy from your Bengals.

Cute! (Both the poem and the kitty ;-))

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
gorgeous! I have two cats and I remember when they were kittens, so playful :-)

Elle x

Cute! Short and sweet. I'm not too fond of cats myself, they catch my garden birds...but I wish you joy with yours. What names have you given them?

Don't know about Puss-In-Boot, but I love cats, I have three, and dogs, I have on and just recetnly: two sea turtles...

:-)))) Awwwwwww!!!!