
Malapropisms are wordy misuse
Totally fraught with wordy abuse
Linguistically, wordy erroneous
Nomenclature-ly wordy felonious

You malaprop felons, abusers of speech
Lovers of language, should you impeach
You stand here accused of word instability
We convict you of malapropos culpability

So whether you write in prose or in rhyme
We'll strive for punishment that fits your write crime
We'll remove your thesaurus, dictionary too
All writing for you will be strictly taboo

by Stan Cooper...6/11/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 583 times
Written on 2009-06-14 at 02:12

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
A wordy prose , wordy of a response , words can say it all , at times say nothing , but dear Stan , your words say such a lot , fore you are indeed a Wordsmith of greet interleck, long may you forge your wonderful words in to greet art for us too greatly enjoy.


jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
but i adore Malaprop's!
and old fact I'm the proud owner of a spineless one and wont give it up...
as always your humour plays well...
good rhyming too.