But That's How It Is

I ain't what I was, but that's how it is
Fretting won't help with my new 'now' biz
I've run the good race on my life-long course
To pasture they'll commit me like a thorough-bred horse

They can't pasteurize me, I'm not ready quite yet
That my racing's not over is no long-shot bet
There are things yet undone that need doing by me
No way can they make me a life absentee

So perhaps I'll run slower, not attain every goal
After all I'm aware I'm no longer a foal
I'll be there at the finish line, though a little less spry
Believe me, I'll be there with my head held up high

by Stan Cooper...6/23/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 684 times
Written on 2009-06-25 at 13:33

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i like this because it shows that no matter how old you can get, you can still accomplsh anything.
this is the attitude that i want to have when im older, one of my favourite sayings is 'you're never too old' and i think that your poem conveys this perfectly.

TigerEyes :]