Escape From Reality

To awaken from our life-long dream
And discover the world as it is
We would receive a reality gleam
That reality is well worth the miss

We choose to keep the world out of sight
And continue to dream our years through
Clearly we need this reality flight
Of reality we don't want a clue

So slumber we will to avoid what exists
Reality is not that great
The world in its state has gone far amiss
So we'll dream to ameliorate

by Stan Cooper...7/8/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 746 times
Written on 2009-07-15 at 13:58

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John Lambremont, Sr.
Nice job, Stan. Thoughtful and playful at the same time.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Thanks , Stan and Done , onece more great art from you both.

Ken ( D Williams )

Clever words, Stan,
unfortunately, awakening from
the dream - all we find is reality
of life! The drawing is just great
zzz !

Agreed Stan. What a sad world we have created for ourselves. I like the way you put this across, and your cartoons are indeed wonderful. (How does one post a picture with a poem? Wish I could do it.)

So true. What would we do without our ability to daydream? I wonder if animals daydream. Your cartoons are delightful. They would make a wonderful T.V. serial--kind of like The Simpsons.