Would I be out of line, if I said I miss you?'- Incubus

I miss you

I miss my hair in my face
I miss falling in grace

I miss home sweet home
I miss not being alone

I miss the way you knew what I was humming
I miss my midnight bath with hot water running

I miss loving you the way i did
Telling you your fears were valid

I miss dancing on the terrace
Burgers with too much lettuce

Creampuffs in the middle of the afternoon
Tell me, just tell me you'll be back soon.

Until then I'll miss you
I'll miss me and I'll miss you.

Poetry by Zoey Jane
Read 1182 times
Written on 2009-07-19 at 17:31

Tags Loneliness  Missing  Love 

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Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
You definitely have talent - thanks for sharing it with us.