Looking Past The Moon Up To The Stars

We are searching for a hint
Or even just a glint
Of life on Venus, Jupiter or Mars
While we fantasize away
Our logic goes astray
Looking past the moon up to the stars

Life throughout the universe perhaps is possible
And even more than possible quite probable
But if found, could we offer earthly things of worth
If discovered, what would we do
Would we screw life up there too
As we've turned the screw on life right here on Earth

by Stan Cooper...7/17/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 748 times
Written on 2009-07-21 at 12:40

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Richard Wilson
I love this!
Especially loved the references to finding life on Venus, Jupite or Mars.
I believe that at some point a massive important part of our history has been lost. Perhaps what you've explained here has already happened and we'e merely the outcome of discovery.

Chris Fernie
Hi Stan,

Given the anniversary of Apollo 11 this is thought-provoking stuff. Perhaps there are parallel universes where we are no better or worse than our perceived reality, only different. You know, Stan, Napoleon defeated Wellington at Waterloo, Hitler survived the bunker and continued to fight on, Adam and Eve didn't eat the apple... I won on the horses!

Happy hands!


I pray we are in quarantine.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
I cant help but think and wonder , Stan. If maybe , Mars and the moon , were in fact once populated. And well we know how the two look now! Also maybe thears an advansed form of life remember The Beagle and similar atemps? May they did viset EARTH , AND AFFTER THEY DSIDID :'' LETS KEEP THE SO & SO'S OUT!
Enjoyed as always , Stan and Don.
Ken ( D Williams )

A very well put question with an edge to it, Stan.

If only we could focus on making things better here where we live instead.. I wonder how much money and resources go into space research every day..