"The War To End All Wars"

"The war to end all wars" they said
And were naively believed
By those who now are honorably dead
Never knowing they were deceived

Wars are peddled with promised glory
With patriotic fervor, wars are sold
To those who die in warring gory
Without their right of growing old

For future generations, I've great concern
They needn't set their world ablaze
For their survival they must discern
The peaceful road to better days

by Stan Cooper...7/15/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 2243 times
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Written on 2009-07-25 at 22:33

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I am always excited and pleased to read a good anti-war poem. Not nearly enough are written. So many young guys march off to these conflicts and if you were to ask them what they're fighting for they'd only be able to murmur something vague and abstract like "freedom" or "democracy." And so many of those guys never come back. And now it's even worse, because with all the modern war technology, nobody can even see who they're killing, making it all seem impersonal. Taking someone's life happens to be VERY personal in my book. Thanks for a beautiful poem. Too bad it can't be distributed to all the recruiting offices.


So true, and so well expressed!

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry website.

Forgot to say thanks and good work to NicolasG and our wonderful "Dyslexic Poet" Ken. Hey Ken, you may be dyslexic, but your point is easily understood. Don't give up, my admiration for you knows no bounds.

..and so said Harry Patch and his comrades. Bless him and his ccontemporaries who died for us. Indeed we can never know how they suffered. Goodbye and God Bless.
Excellent work Stan.

Nicely stated Stan, we gotta teach our young a better way. I assume the war you refer to is WW2? Yes they did die young and were henously deceived, as were all who lived and died at that time. God help us all

To find a way to end war.

Smiling at you


ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
This poem , is very poiant , has a Harry Patch has died this day. He was a plumber when Harry was conscipted in too the British army when he was 19. He was postd too Pashandlale. Too take part in the 3rd battle ofPashandaile. held the hand of a felow solder I quiote what Harry saside in an interview '' I held his hand as the last 30 seconds of his life. Harry was woudid by shapnel , that killed his 3 mates. Harry was '' lucky ''' , as my perternal grandfater was ''lucky'' in being wounded. Harry desidid when he was 100 , that he must speke out aginst war. And tell the world , espshly the kids about his war. He spoke too kids at school , whear they were geting bourd , reading about anshany history.l He made it ''cool'' , that is interesting >L And relervant as , Harry had been thear and savvied. Harry lided flowers on German graves , too show the stupidest of all mans doings of it all declering war and sending spoted kids of too fight die , kill , mame be mamede in it. Thank you Harry I fore one will not foget you nor your mates.

Thanks Stan ans Don , forgive my use of your work , I was movde so much at the passing away of Harry ( Patch) , yiur poem is a fiting trubute too Harry. As a post sciip the desath of a British solder in Afganstan was anoust on the same page as the anousesment of Harry on the front page of thhe BBC news 24.
Ken ( D Williams )

Amen. Just so long as propaganda and ignorance are peddled, the road to peace will be well camouflaged.
Great writing Stan!