Who Am I Kidding

Where oh where has my energy gone too
My vigor and vim I have need to renew
Why can't I rekindle my past flaming glow
That partnered so well with my get-up-and-go

It can't be my age, my outlook is young
On the ladder of life I'm at the low rung
My thinking is keen with sharpness acute
And most lovely ladies still think I'm a beaut

I must be joking, just kidding myself
My youthful twinkle is stashed on the shelf
It's hard to accept, it's hard to adjust
But I'll start acting my age, as accept it I must

by Stan Cooper...7/20/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 794 times
Written on 2009-07-29 at 15:05

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
Never act your age! You are a true gem.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Remain as you are , Stan , open minded , all way inquisitive , asking questions , challenging. Be as you Stan THE MAN , the man of all ages , yet a man of no age.l And besides you've got your supercharged skateboarded , so you can catch the lasses!

Ken ( D Williams )

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
No Way Stan, you be as young as you want and keep that twinkle, twinkling - We all think you are cute here :-)

Elle x

Who said you must? (They're just trying to trick you into something ;o)


Purple Phoenix
Aw Stan! I'm with the last line on the second stanza... xxx PP

If you keep repeating it, you may convince yourself. I for one, personally don't believe it!!! :-)
The body slows down but experience and wisdom more than make up for it.
Keep them poems coming and St.Ogden will keep smiling on you!
The best, Nick

it shines lond with your heart.
lovely wrte.