A Pastel

before she was born
I had a dream
I saw her hair
it was the colour of mine
and her face
it was the shape of her mother's
her eyes belonged to her as well
and now more than nine years on
they are on an adventure
while I'm about to begin mine
still packing
and finding
little snaps from the past
that has passed
and taken me here to this page
where I realise
how lucky I am
with what I once thought
was not enough
but now is more
than I could ever have hoped for
to sense the spirit
through song
through words
and through this distorted pastel
and to see the spirit of others
in much the same way
as life distorts
or at least we imagine it so
until the day
we give into to love
and nothing else matters

before she was born
I did not know
that her birth
would help bring about mine

Poetry by Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 806 times
Written on 2009-07-30 at 10:16

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Kee Zealy The PoetBay support member heart!
A pastel with its soft colours, has a way of communicating like no other piece of art. I am reminded of pastels that hang in my house of all 3 of my children at about the same time of their life. It captures a sense of who they are even at that young age, like nothing else. Great write

melanie sue
I especially like the last stanza. It rings so true, at least I find it to be true for me. It is an awesome revelation well stated.

The last stanza captures something I've so often felt. Having children has taught me so much about myself, and you could well say that their birth gave me life too..

Beautiful. Thanx.