Early in the moning before I wake ..... angels come and whisper thoughts and I try to put some of their ideas on paper ..... here is today's message!

Poems Were Never Meant For Books

Poems Were Never Meant For Books
A Poem Just for You
© Thomas R. Farrell 2009

Poems were never meant for books...
They fall from chips of God's creation
Cascading as pieces off the universe
Like speckles from the stars,
Or flicks from moon beans tumbling in the night
And land on pages blank as newly fallen snow --
Waiting for you and me
To come and free them from their fate....

They yearn to be consumed by anyone who dares to read
The wisdom that they hold .....but beg to be chewed so very slowly
And spoken to the cadence of the tone encased in their design....

For did you know --it is in the reading
That you free them from their fate
Giving life to what the poem is all about
Bur, oddly, the author hopes you'll leave their message here on page
So others may discover such morsels
In their time and space good fortune has meant for them to have!

Poetry by Tom Farrell
Read 1019 times
Written on 2009-08-09 at 15:53

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
It is my good fortune that I found this treasure :-)

Elle x

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Poems of mans (as in Anglo-Saxon English) creation , of love and fear and much else of man's life , when the need arises he and she reach for word's , to express all that ill's and affects of life , all that's good and bad in their life's , the war poets some became famous in literature as we know , more though , never been read except by loved ones and pals , mates , cobbers , poetry the vises of those who could beary write and read , for a stub of pencil they reached to lance the boil's of thought , their pain , their fears , their love , their hopes to express , to appears in no book's
Ken D Williams

I hope, with all the present glitches in the poetbay system, that this poem gets the recognition it justly deserves. If not, I hope you will repost as soon as things are stabilized. This would be a prime candidate for the front page.

Certainly a magic message Thomas. The angels have been very kind to us all this morning.

It's a beautiful poem Tom, I especially like the last stanza. Too many of us don't take time to read the work of others. Congrats on the whole poem, a joy to read.

I wonder if they sometimes try that with me ... and then I'm just too sleepy? :)

Lovely image of the poems tumbling like flicks from moonbeams in the night ... to land on snowwhite pages ... I'm reminded of a poem by the Norwegian poet Olav Hauge, where he compares the ice on the lake to a blank page, and the birds settling on the ice to letters ..

A meta poem and although I am not religious I embrace the concept of holy, like the intent of this poem.