Paintings of old trucks get me thinking about more than trucks but about life in general. This poem is written in the person of a World War II veteran ..... No ... I'm not THAT old.

Abandoned Trucks Like These

A Poem for the Rear View Mirror

© Thomas Farrell 2007

I like to think
These old abandoned trucks
You see in fields and off the beaten path
Fifty years or older (don't ya know)
Have spirits that have never left from here
Like ghosts who chose to stick around
The chassis of this truck....
(For no specific reason
That anyone like you or me
Can fully understand..)

Mostly I just feel a presence here
Whenever I have pulled my car over off the road
To stop and sit a spell with trucks
Abandoned by their owners now long gone.

I don't much care for
Poking all about inside...
I guess because the carriage of the truck
Seems to me an almost holy place
Like an empty church after everybody's
Gone, once the services were done
And those ladies with the keys
Snapped the lights and chased the cat
Before they closed the door and locked
The shadows, and the pews, and reflecting light
From those stain glass windows, all inside.....

Mostly, I may try to recollect
The year that truck came onto the road
And whether it was right before the War
Or after it -- when all I wanted in my life
Was to thank my God for coming
Home alive with all my limbs.

At times like these, I think how old I was
When trucks like these were bouncing all about...
And all the dreams I had beneath my hood of where
I wanted and what I wanted for my life..

And usually, before I leave the truck
I find myself now wondering with truck
That comes with rear view mirrors for my view
Did I ever get to be where I wanted my life
And question how the years have passed so quickly
And exactly what's in store for this old "truck"
Before abandonment may come to be
An topic for my own!

Poetry by Tom Farrell
Read 1118 times
Written on 2009-06-21 at 03:41

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Old car graveyards are full of mystique. Wonderful places for the imagination of anyone with the least bit of romantic automobilia in their innards.
Well enjoyed Thomas.

melanie sue
This is put together very well with interesting images and analogies. I like this very much. :)