pain will eventually erase a soul

Acid pain

I lay here scared and hurt,
wounder what will come next,
to tear another piece of my soul away,
to burn the wound deeper,
forever etching the pain in my soul.
This scortching pain,
that runs through my veins,
will never be silenced compleatly.
No pain this severe can ever be truely gone,
traces of it will always linger,
reminding me of the pain burning,
within my soul,
like acid bubbling all traces of my soul away.
Making me scream inside,
screaming for help,
screaming for a way out of the pain,
that is burning through every inch of my body,
hidden from eyes to ignorant to see,
the pain erasing my soul.

Poetry by Marissa
Read 267 times
Written on 2009-08-17 at 01:37

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