Dream; short-lived

Every fiber of my being ached as you turned to leave. I would have begged 'till morning light if it could make you stay another day, another minute even. So much had I come to depend on your presence. In a matter of hours you captured every feeling, every stranded thought, my very soul. Your name became the fire that flamed my dreams and nightmares; the iron bars of confinement I would cherish for a thousand years if time on earth were not as limited. The mere memory of your gaze awakened the need for you embrace, a moment longer in that summer's day as longing ran through my veins rendering me hopeless, curled up like a child who's frightened of the ongoing storm. A storm of feeling, so pointless and intimidating. A storm that left me crippled, broken like the wreckage of a boat crushed by the roaring maidens of the ocean. And still, I wouldn't dare or dream to ask for more than the memory which slips away with every strike of the Great Clock. I would only dare to wish for a day such as the blessed one we shared and secretly count the endless seconds 'till our eyes meet again.

Short story by Cybele
Read 476 times
Written on 2009-08-23 at 02:16

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This is very good. Well done, the romantic flows through it's veins strongly.

Love has the power to put us through these things, and love brings us out all the stronger.

Longing is a terror of loving. We take the risk, or love gives us no choices...because we long, we know we love.

Better short lived than to never live at all.

Smiling at you
