Insolent Child

You ran like a child so spoilt and infinitely gifted
Through the bustle of the menacing city,
Burning astride you every bridge you once lifted
Forgetting and mocking with an air all but witty

forging your name on a pavement so filthy
You tossed every poet who question your light
Roaring with laughter and sinister delight
As you crawled and begged for affection in the form of fifties

Along the way you were stopped by a beggar
dressed in rags and in boots made of leather
Mice were at his feet, as though they were dancing
At you though his eyes had stopped and were panting

'My dear child' he told you 'your life is scarce,
Your demons have granted you a sentence in Hell'
'Do what they shall I am as free as bird
You old fool, it's called freedom, haven't you heard?'

'You ignorant fool, I'm a child escaping from light,
Feeling alone and detesting life.
It's just me and my freedom and my name and a flower
At last I am running and spiraling lower'

'Beware' he said 'the road is long and thorny
It will grant you no pardons and will vanish in mornings'
"I am young and I am free and time I have plenty
The demons are friends who protect all my longings'

And so you sprinted away, not one stare did you waste
On the old man you could not stand to face
To the sun you ran spreading your ebony wings
With sole remnants your entwined golden rings

Poetry by Cybele
Read 342 times
Written on 2009-08-23 at 03:05

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