Stem The Tide

"Stem the tide" this over-used cliché
What exactly does it convey
Are there special tide stemmers around
Whose job it is to bog tides down

Doesn't the moon control the tides
As around the earth it lunar-ly glides
Tide stemmers would cause much buzz
If they stemmed the work the lunar does

Is there a course called "Stem the Tide 101"
That teaches how tide stemming is properly done
"What do you want to be when all grown up", kids are asked
Do some answer, "a stemmer of tides, there's no greater task"

Perhaps this poem has gone far astray
In the attempt to understand an over-used cliché
Written by this poetic buffoon
Undoubtedly under the spell of a very full moon

by Stan Cooper...8/27/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 631 times
Written on 2009-09-02 at 20:37

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You have such a vivid imagination Stan! Along with a great sense of humour, I'm off to my window now to see if there's a full moon. Missin your toon buddy?!