our river

the furrows of the land
were enfolded by mist
as the furrows on our brows
as we kissed

it had been a long journey
as we flowed from hardy mountain
through forests dark
to gently winding plain
and shallow sea

we had left
the glaring light
on Nephin's peak
through alien conifer
whose lines failed
to kill our meanders
and then the sigh
of open meadow lands
where we were blessed
by God's own light again

we are the children
of the world
adults yet unformed
clear eyed
why water
flows downhill

the furrows of the land
are still
enfolded by the mist
as the furrows on our brows
do yet disappear with a kiss

Poetry by Peter Humphreys The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 907 times
Written on 2009-09-30 at 18:36

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