Class Distinction

In war-time there's a 'class' hiatus
Snobbish rules are set aside
Low class citizens attain the status
That is, in peace, for them denied

Class systems for centuries have strived
To separate the high and lower masses
Yet in war-time this class-based system survives
Hypocritically, conveniently equalizing the classes

The young who fill the armored ranks
Face possible life extinction
For those who fight and drive the tanks
They make no class distinction

by Stan Cooper...10/10/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 647 times
Written on 2009-10-17 at 19:30

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
American war cemetery's , I find so cold. At least in the British war cemeterys thear is couler , flowers messages left , and the graves tended . Arlingtan , Is cald '' the guardan of stone '' no wonder, thats all thst grows thear.
Well , 1914 918 , class distinckshan very big with in the army and the fegling R A F. garmer school offisers were all but toleraited. By the offisers from '' public schools '' . Who had been the only supliers of the officer class.
Still the cematrys made no such distinction , all welcome there. Lord lay beside a street urchen , coal miner , vickers son , cobbler and all and all.
Thanks Satan , and Don, with out yiur joint work , I'd not have let go my spleen.