Don't Sweat It

The pitching Ace faced the batting king
To neutralize his four base swing
To prevent the kings home run clout
To save the game, he needs that out

What to pitch, he must quickly decide
Should he throw out or inside
High, low or right over the plate
Pumped up now like his speeding heart rate

Suddenly Johnny hears a wake-up call
From his mom calling out in the hall
"Breakfast is ready, come on down, we're waiting"
From his dream awakened, for him most deflating

Who won that big game, he'll never know
Was it won by a strike-out or a base clearing blow
Tonight, for sure, he'll replay that dream
To learn if the Ace or the batter won for his team

by Stan Cooper...10/25/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 728 times
Written on 2009-10-26 at 20:57

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Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
Enjoyed the read and the cartoon. Brought a smile to start the day with. Thanks guys.

Toonist The PoetBay support member heart!
Another great work from the aged Bard.
The 'toon ......well???

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Enjoyed Stan, so much that you inspired me to write a similar poem.