Momma's Boy

No one seems to bother
To ever mention Whistlers father
Whistlers Mother, quite a dame
Is deserving of all her fame
In fact, his lovely paintings splendor
Pictured only her female gender
But in any fairness point of view
His dad deserved a little fame too

by Stan Cooper...11/14/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 751 times
Written on 2009-11-18 at 10:49

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Everyone wants to have a piece of the action!
Of course that has to be RECOGNISED in people's eyes!
(at least that is what people are like generally)
Otherwise you are forgotten, heaven
forbid if you were not recognised!!!!
I believe the father gets automatic recognition
everytime they see the painting as
it's understood!

Chris Fernie
Dear Stan,

I'm whistling Dixie in your praise, my poker-faced pal!

Cheers, Chris