Keep A Stiff Upper Lip

I've been told, "keep a stiff upper lip" when things go all awry
I seriously doubt this plan will work, but I'll give it my best try
Credit cards all maxed out, I'm sinking down in debt
But with my stiffened upper lip, there is no cause to fret

My cat jumped in the oven, emerging quite half baked
Her other half, it seems to me, looks like a charcoaled steak
My house now is all flooded from a copper piping leak
If it wasn't for my upper lip, you'd really hear me shriek

Just in case this lip thing works, I'll stiffen, now my lower
Perhaps it'll cause these tragedies to reach me somewhat slower
If it ever puts to rest my personal apocalypse
I'll forever be so grateful to both my stiffened lips

by Stan Cooper...11/29/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 656 times
Written on 2009-12-01 at 16:40

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Still , Stan you've got to laugh , a part from all of that , you are well , I trust. Keep a stiff upper lip , the lower lip may quiver , some how you keep a smiling on and on. :) A tip explane to the bill coleters '' I usely put all my bills in a hat , pick one out and pay it '' keep bothering me , I will not put yours in me hat! ''
I see you have reclaimed , the idem , useley associated with us Brits , :)
Ken :D