"Always and Forever"

The promised "always" and "forever" emotionally akin
Both heart-felt deeply from within
Hopefully not a momentary thing
Or from just a momentary fling

"From here to eternity", too easily voiced
When youngsters are naïve and eager to rejoice
"Always" and "forever" are long and far away
To say with such assurance on any youth-filled day

With maturity offering a more probable prediction
An "Always and forever", promise
Has more accurate conviction

by Stan Cooper...12/10/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 665 times
Written on 2009-12-14 at 02:13

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John Ashleigh
Indeed. Phrases are taken for granted. The english language has been shrivelled down to a lesser meaning. A promise should be promised... A very nice poem, and oh so true.


Purple Phoenix
I agree Stan! Words do get bandied about, with the real meaning seldom felt! I like this! :-)
