Justice Served

It's foolhardy and naively absurd
Believing attorneys every word
When they with legalizing fury
Sum up their case to a befuddled jury

One must wonder if each witness
Could pass the grade in the test of litmus
Or if the sitting magistrate
Should the attorneys castigate

Too many cases are fraught with flaw
To render justice in a court of law
We hope the principles get what's deserved
With proper decisions so justice is served

by Stan Cooper...12/10/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 971 times
Written on 2009-12-19 at 14:14

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Purple Phoenix
I'm with you on that Stan, sometimes we just have to hope Karma comes to those who slip through the holes in the legal system! Nicely penned. :-)

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Interesting, Stan , espshly as the other day. A man was found inasant after serveing 35 years. Fore a crime he did not commit. The same storys are repeated hear I have to say , to many to write about. ' Justice for all ' , it is writtan . Aye , justice is what you get depending on yiur bank account , and if you are cointeckted.
Ken ( D Williams)

The bar is one more thing that has evolved past its prime. How far past its prime? Hmmm...where's Benjamin?
Good point Stan,