Freud and the Party-Smartys

Not too long ago at many social parties
Frequented by faux intellectual smartys
It was thought quite fashionable
Spouting things faux rationale

Much too often came 'sophisticate' quips
That most things said were "Freudian Slips"
Sigmund Freud's theories were not meant to be
Overly used thrown-abouts for partying glee

But somehow or other every damn fool
Became amateur analysts, acting so cool
Whatever was stated, they knew what was meant
They knew it was Freudian with a down deep intent

Freud gave us our "Ids" and our wonderful "Egos"
Along with our super-craving "Libidos"
The façade we showed on our conscious level
Camouflaged the sub-conscious lurks of a devil

Freud was the father of the psychology science
Which has since learned to place much less reliance
On the value of those once fashionable quips
Known to the party-smartys as "Freudian Slips"

by Stan Cooper...12/14/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 631 times
Written on 2009-12-24 at 15:17

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Some are deep thinkers and it is notorious for them to work things out and then labelling it with their intellectual quips, on the other side of the coin there are those who don't work things out and just give their point of view, you can't win either way as human nature will always get in our eyes and see how everyone else is wrong and we are right? I like this poem as it is so true in a funny way.

Pepsichologists...humbug. Hardly a science
The glib, party pseudo intellectuals?
An unholy alliance!

Had Freud attended one of these parties
he would have studied lemmings!

Merry Christmas Stan
I'm with you on this.