Title borrowed from Cole Porter

"What is this thing called love"

Some love a winter's walk
Too many others love to talk
Most of us love a classic movie
Love to do things considered groovy

We love our spouse and love our mothers
We love our sisters and of course our brothers
Love the songs Sinatra sings
We seem to love all manner of things

Some love to smoke and love to drink
Love to receive a flirtatious wink
In our love-smitten society
Emotional love has much variety

So I've come to my loving conclusion
The meaning of love is pure confusion

by Stan Cooper...12/24/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 657 times
Written on 2010-01-07 at 16:07

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Purple Phoenix
You're telling me! I am in serious "like" with this poem, in a non-committal kinda way! ;-)

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Love can in deed be a four letter word , Stan!
PS: I don't think Archie Shore loved Sinatra , Stan!