Chew The Fat

What Doctor Tran, my great dentist, told me, I unhappily confess
"Stan," he said, "periodontally, you're a total mess"
When toothless, my mouth will resemble a bird-like beak
Biting poems need be written then with only tongue in cheek

I fear with all my teeth a-missing
I'll say goodbye to future kissing
No lady will endure a kiss adventure
With a guy who wears an upper denture

I know I'll forever be bristling at
My lost ability to chew the fat
Will I ever find myself eschewing
All my friends 'cause of my non-chewing

No longer will I be in style
Just a toothless guy with a dentured smile
It seems what the future holds for me
Will be determined dentally

by Stan Cooper...1/9/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 765 times
Written on 2010-01-31 at 20:41

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Whatever you've got or not got, you can still smile even if you're a toothless wonder and you can certainly bring a smile to all of us here.

....brilliant, Coop, always make me smile!!!!!!!

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Tho me mate usde plyers in his telling , but maybe a bit rude.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Or to quote me mate , Keith '' '' well I sat in the dentist chire , I lade a hamer between us and said , ''' now , we are not going to hert each other are we?''' '' ere of course not!'' sade the densit with som feeling.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
At least you wake up to a smile Stan , '' hears looking at you '' lol
