Ill: Kkc


Who am I
to wonder why
about establishments of truth
a simple spy
among the pagans and the wry
a serpent by your chest
let be you are a women then
lie her and rest
deep in your décolletage
But yonder down
the calling comes
as from Fallopian the ancient cry
one of the I and I hear not
the other smile
and fearlessly I start the climb
down to the the tombs
were you have got
the answers maybe
for my philosophic knot
May God protect me please
from who I might not be
or not...
You might just like this serpent
so attached to me
I like it too
just play that eager melody
you see...?
It's wriggling now
so eagerly
for You!

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 941 times
Written on 2010-02-01 at 14:42

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jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
who are you?
like us all...
lucky if we can smile

melanie sue
I really like this. It has layers of interpretation. It has mystery. It is erotic...or not, depending on how one wants to "read" it. I find it erotic and intellectual at the same time....which is why I especially like it. :)

....very nice....