Doc Tran

I had a dream the other night
Which would cause Doc Tran much fright
I dreamed that I had taken his place
With drill in hand, I looked down at HIS face

I dentally went from Jekyll to Hyde
"It is your turn now, so please open wide
Your molar, I see, has a hole very minor
I'll drill down deep until I reach China

It won't hurt at all, so let's not be fussing
It won't help at all for you to be cussing
It won't take a minute, just an hour or two
For that hole to be dug, and then we'll be through"

That glorious dream with revenge was enjoyed
But, alas, reality claimed it null and void
For when I awakened, I remembered with dread
My appointment with Doc Tran...I wished I was dead

Enough of this foolishness, Doc Tran's a fine dentist
Assisted by Rosie, his rosy hygienist
And smiling Samantha, who loves to charge fees
All work together with great expertise

by Stan Cooper....1/12/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 731 times
Written on 2010-02-05 at 11:45

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Muce fain write!
Thank your.

Much fine write!