That Classic Fib

Everything his parents told him, he believed
Never believed he'd be deceived
So when they told him that classic fib
He believed a stork dropped him into his crib

For years he believed their parental lie
That a stork and he had a pre-natal tie
Discovering the truth was now long over-due
As he still had no clue at age twenty-two

His wife asked for a baby early in marriage
So he dashed out to purchase a baby carriage
But he thought how in hell do I catch the stork
Flying above the skyscrapers of New York

But it didn't take long for him to figure out
What this thing called sex was all about
Now he felt as happy as happy could be
As for the stork?...Well golly gee

by Stan Cooper...2/9/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 611 times
Written on 2010-02-17 at 15:33

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Great poem of parental fibs, I'm sure there are many more waiting to be written, my parents it seems were habitual liars; your face will stay like that if the wind changes, eat you crusts and you'll have curly hair.................

What? The stork story was a big ruse? I'm shattered.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I was left under the gooseberry bush Stan - I swear it the doctor with his little black bag came, opened it up and there I was :-) lol oh the myths parents project upon their children - its amazing any of us grew up normal - or did we???????

Elle x