For The Hope Of Human-kind

"Peace on earth
Good will towards men"
Heard almost since birth
Over and over again

This concept we claim to advocate
Throughout history rings hollow
We continue to annihilate
We refuse this thought to follow

What is this human thirst
That brought centuries of war
Why have we been coerced
To what we morally abhor

For the hope of human-kind
Let's humanly recast
Our being so inclined
To duplicate our past

by Stan Cooper...2/26/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 745 times
Written on 2010-03-02 at 14:44

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Let us hope in deed , that human kind indeed can overcome it's minority , who have led us in wars beyond number's , for greed and profit , lets live and let live.
Thanks , Stan .

Bjanka it!!!!!!!!!!!!!, terrific end!!!!!!!!!...

The best poem!

It's always amazed me how people who claim to be religious pick and choose the parts of their religion that is convenient to them. Items like "Thou shalt not kill" and "Peace on earth" are ignored, and other items like "an eye for an eye" are adhered to.

Sadly some of us humans never learn from their mistakes. thanks for your poetic reminder for us all to be "humankind."

Sadly, there are rogues who value power and wealth over human life. Some of us have kind hearts...but only some.
We must figure out a vaccine for the others.