Cheyney and Bush Gold Medalists

I propose to suggest a sporting event
For Olympic competition
A contest to see who can best torment
Participants, with much repetition

Team U.S. with two superior athletes
Gold medalists in this endeavor
While they may appear old and obsolete
They wish to play this sport forever

Cheyney and Bush will go down in history
With gold medals they'd surely be hoarding
The name of this sport is no mystery
It's their favorite, Waterboarding

by Stan Cooper 2/22/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 632 times
Written on 2010-03-13 at 12:39

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Indian princes played chess to settle disputes. Kingdoms changed hands with out wars. The Chinese also chose chess , only the peases were human , a pease lost was put to death. I think I prefer the Indian way in India way.

No question about it, Dick Cheney with that Medusa sneer of his would win any contest. But maybe Limbaugh or Glenn Beck would be better choices. Either of those two could easily talk their opponents to death. I understand that some ancient cultures really did handle international disagreements like that by sending out two representatives to duke it out.

Amusing, satire, Stan. Enjoyed it a lot.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
I propose Blare and Brown representing the U K . Rudd representing Australia. Could cal it the brown nose event!


I sure hope the arsenic twins aren't planning a comeback!!!
I see Sarah Palin is pretty tenacious too, although not being in the bush league.