The Party Of No

Our nation is polarized
With economy woe
Congress acts paralyzed
Due to the Party of No

The Stock Market far down
Will go further below
Gets no help from those clowns
In the negative Party of No

With few jobs in sight
Can't buy food with no dough
They won't do what's right
This Party of No

The homeless on streets
With no place to go
Need help to get eats
Still this Party says no

Foreclosures galore
For so many poor Joes
Kicked out their own doors
By the Party of no

Voters, use your clout
Retire your foe
Vote them all out
This Party of No

by Stan Cooper...2/24/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 611 times
Written on 2010-03-24 at 10:49

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
The times we now find I find my self ,
Are scary , like reding a book of history ,
Dropping of to sleep , and dreaming ,
That turns in to a nightmare ,
Then I find my self realising , it were no dream ,
Nor nightmare , but as life was ,
It is now is.