Teen-agers And Parents

Teen-agers being so hormone-al
Appear to parents quite abnormal
Nearing puberty, some seem crazed
Keeping parents somewhat dazed

As youngsters approach their pubescence
They doubt their parents can come to their senses
But when they ripen and are fully grown
They learn their young outlook was overblown

So parents have some patience
Keep your ire in dire abeyance
Soon the youngsters will reach the stage
Of your less hormone-al wizened age

by Stan Cooper...2/1/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 740 times
Written on 2010-04-01 at 15:35

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How true.

Just threee weeks to go before I don't have any teenagers, so I can identify with this poem of truth and humour oh so well. As for hormones, you don't appreciate them until they have gone!

Phyllis J. Rhodes
When two of my children were teens, I remember telling my mother who raised 9 teenagers, "I can't believe you let us all live."
Great poem!

Rob Graber
Less juice, more wisdom: aging in a nutshell?!

Write fain!

Wise advice for bridging the generation gap. I know when I was a teen-ager I was sure I had been left by gypsies at the wrong parents' door and that grown-ups were surely the stupidest people on earth. Now, of course, I'm amazed that they were gracious enough to provide me room and board in spite of my surliness and ingratitude.