Angelic Me

My teacher told me to behave
But behaving's what I never craved
She thought I acted too outlandish
Just being me was too out-Stan-dish

The girl's pigtail in the inkwell soaked
How it got there was my little joke
I whistled when teacher turned her back
Music's what our classroom lacked

To the principals' office I was sent
It clearly became a daily event
She told him I was rude and frightful
Yet my friends in class thought me delightful

My mother when she came to school
He told her I was the classroom fool
She didn't believe that awful man
Could say that of her angel Stan

Whistlers' mother, she knew best
She knew her son was not a pest
So much to my teachers' dismay
I was back in class the very next day

The inkwell reclaimed that girls' pigtail
The teacher warned, but to no avail
Behind back whistles, once more the norm
Angelic me was back in form

by Stan Cooper...3/27/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 610 times
Written on 2010-04-07 at 15:42

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Rob Graber
I'm afraid you were not that good at being have!

I generally was quite havish,
But not, I hope, to the point
Of being slavish;
If anybody thought
I was a teacher's-pet freak,
I'd like to say here
That my tongue quite often
Was in my cheek.


I hope you have carried on being "out-Stan-dish" Schoolboy pranks are what makes those memories and great poetry!

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Little Stanley , who were only experimenting , with fashion , who thought the girl in front blond pigtail would look all the rage with with a black end , Stanley considered Glen Miller were a bit tame , so Stanley like to try out new sounds , oh what the world has lost in fashion and music , by a teacher's lack of emaganashan , Stan now the man could have been one heck of trend setter in fashion music trend setting ,Stan!
Ken ( : - ) )

The silly girl didn't realize you were giving her an avant-garde style a few decades early perhaps;-) I remember a teacher telling me to behave and answering, "I am being have."
Grand form Stan.