Tea Party Demagogue-ary

It's futile to attempt having reasonable dialogues
With most right wing lying Tea Party demagogues
The agendas they make claim to
Have no substance, but lay blame to
Obama, and anything he may propose
Which they automatically oppose

When shouting "patriotism", they are prone
To arrogantly claim the concept as their own
They damn the truth with their deception
No facts are required to fulfill their intention
As Tea Party cheerleader, with her "Gotcha" fact-less pitch
Sarah Palin has fit right in and found her fact-less niche

by Stan Cooper...4/16/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 660 times
Written on 2010-04-25 at 13:35

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Farse , tragedy , even pathos , satire , best , worse yet awaits , while the fools like us upon the hills down look down upon the headless chickens running around with the sheep below , '' why did no one worn us '' , the fools sat on the hills simply say '' we did'', '' pass over the beer hear mate'' , ''' some edits never learn , glad I'm a fool , aint you! ''

Indirectly, Palin and Bush are probably responsible for as much fine comedy and humour as Burns & Allen ;-)